Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The Abduction in Sleep Paralysis

Sleep paralysis is one of the causes of people thinking they've been abducted by aliens. Funny thing is I understand exactly were their coming from.  I remember one quiet spring night when I was about fourteen years old. I had gone to bed and drifted away for the night. Suddenly around 2 a.m. my room lit up from a light source coming from outside. Now I can't be sure what the light was, it could've been a car stationed across the street pointing its lights toward my window. Maybe it was a mother ship (highly unlikely) beaming me up to travel the cosmos. At any rate I was woken by the lights but in sleep paralysis I couldn't move.
 My heightened senses made me aware of several presences in the room. You could see tiny,skinny
 humanoid figures moving around my bed. I could see there eyes huge and shiny just like the ufo pictures you see today on tv. I can remember trying to move and not being able to. I felt their hands holding my head and feet still. They didn't talk they just slightly nodded at each other. I remember levitating from the bed toward the window and toward the light source. I was able to break free from my paralysis and woke in my bed. Now today I know I just suffered a sleep paralysis episode, but back then you couldn't tell me squat. I truly believe I was abducted by aliens, and was taken to space, then put back in my bed to think I just had a dream. Scary stuff man...scary.

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